the seventh seal v. renquist.....one in the same? you decide.
sorry, i'm bored with tomkat today.
I was having Tom withdrawal today, very little about him on my fave sites. I was looking forward to Tom on Letterman tonight, hoping he comes out doing high kicks, with pom poms, singing "Give me a K...give me an A...give me a T..."
But, I dont have to wait until 11:30- KONG is showing THE Oprah episode right now.
I'm tivoing it, can you believe I hadn't seen it before?? When I become unemployed next week, I just might transcribe the episode...the part where Oprah asks TC where TomKat met is priceless- you can see his brain working overtime to come up with some answer, trying not to blurt out any words like "kidnap" "GHB" "scientology center".
Tom is on Letterman tonight...Please Dave, squirt Tom with the microphone on your desk.
I'm disappointed that in these pics of TC entering the Letterman studio, he's calm. Would it kill him to do a cartwheel?
Here are some pics from WotW premiere, also today.
This ain't satisfying my need for tomfoolery
make your own caption: