Highest Paid Actress
I can barely think of a movie of hers I like. Birth was good.

Photo: People.com
Photo: People.com
Britney Out Again
What is with all the partying? I don't think hanging out with Brandon Davis (behind her) will make Kevin jealous.

Can't an assistant buy her toilet paper for her? Although they look like paper towels. And they don't look like the quicker picker upper.
Photo: People.com
Photo: People.com
Where Does He Buy Those Shorts?
Richard Simmons on Letterman tonight for the first time in 6 years.

Photo: AP
Photo: AP
The Holiday Premiere
This movie looks lame. Mainly because Cameron is annoying.

Photo: Reuters, AP
Photo: Reuters, AP
Ann Jillian Chic
Sing it with me "It's...a...Living"
Gwen Stefani on MuchMusic's Live@Much show in Canada.

Photo: People.com
Gwen Stefani on MuchMusic's Live@Much show in Canada.
Photo: People.com
Britney's Naked Bits Tour Continues
That is a bag wig.
Photo: People.com
Why Do These Ratings Surprise Me?
Nielsen Media Research ending last Sunday.
1. Desperate Housewives, ABC, 21.4 million viewers
2. CSI: Miami, CBS, 18.54 million viewers
3. Grey's Anatomy, ABC, 18.51 million viewers
4. Fox NFL Sunday Postgame, Fox, 17.6 million viewers
5. Fox NFL Thursday Postgame, Fox, 17.19 million viewers
6. CSI, CBS, 17.17 million viewers
7. NCIS, CBS, 17 million viewers
8. Deal or No Deal (Monday), NBC, 16.97 million viewers
9. Criminal Minds, CBS, 16.6 million viewers
10. Heroes, NBC, 16 million viewers
CSI: Miami does better than the regular CSI? Deal or No Deal is 8th? What is Criminal Minds?
1. Desperate Housewives, ABC, 21.4 million viewers
2. CSI: Miami, CBS, 18.54 million viewers
3. Grey's Anatomy, ABC, 18.51 million viewers
4. Fox NFL Sunday Postgame, Fox, 17.6 million viewers
5. Fox NFL Thursday Postgame, Fox, 17.19 million viewers
6. CSI, CBS, 17.17 million viewers
7. NCIS, CBS, 17 million viewers
8. Deal or No Deal (Monday), NBC, 16.97 million viewers
9. Criminal Minds, CBS, 16.6 million viewers
10. Heroes, NBC, 16 million viewers
CSI: Miami does better than the regular CSI? Deal or No Deal is 8th? What is Criminal Minds?
I'm Such a Sap For Pig Movies
Would you believe I was eating split pea and ham soup while watching the cast of Charlotte's Web on Oprah. Not on purpose. As soon as they showed scenes of Wilbur I started pushing aside the ham chunks. And when Sarah McLaughlin started singing with scenes of the movie behind her (Wilbur sitting like a puppy watching his Fern go to school) I started crying!
Charlotte's Web (the Paul Lynde version) is one of my first movie theater memories. After seeing the movie we went to JcPenneys and my mom saw me crying by the clothes racks. (SPOILER) She asked me why I was crying and I managed to blurt out "Charlotte died". OMG I'm crying right now! I need a drink or something!

I didn't eat bacon/pork/ham for along time after Babe. Think we're back to that.

Photos: Oprah.com
Charlotte's Web (the Paul Lynde version) is one of my first movie theater memories. After seeing the movie we went to JcPenneys and my mom saw me crying by the clothes racks. (SPOILER) She asked me why I was crying and I managed to blurt out "Charlotte died". OMG I'm crying right now! I need a drink or something!
I didn't eat bacon/pork/ham for along time after Babe. Think we're back to that.
Photos: Oprah.com
Divorcing Over Borat?
Kid Rock (allegedly) not getting the joke, calling her a slut and freaking out only shows what a loser he is.
The part in the movie with Pam is funny and she does nothing embarassing. It is one of the only points in the movie where you think it is a bit staged (we debated this after the movie and came to the conclusion her bodyguards would've snapped his neck in 2 seconds or at least tasered him) but other than that it is funny and goes with the movie.
And how can you call Pam a slut after Borat? The tamest thing she's ever done!
Photo: AP
Someone Explain to Me the Underwear-less Trend
If you haven't seen the "Britney Showing Her Naked Bits Tour", then you really have been missing something. Ok, no. But it is a little shocking, or weird or something.
I don't understand not wearing underwear. There. I said it. I'm an old lady. I just found out a few years ago that some women don't wear underwear with hosiery! I had no idea.
But I really don't understand not wearing underwear with a short skirt when you are a celebrity being photographed getting in and out of your car. Britney, Lindsey and Paris have all had their Naked Bits photographed so you have to figure it's not by accident (especially if it happens more than once).
Check out Dlisted (the site is crashing sometimes from all the links) or Defamer here
NSFW, obviously.
I don't understand not wearing underwear. There. I said it. I'm an old lady. I just found out a few years ago that some women don't wear underwear with hosiery! I had no idea.
But I really don't understand not wearing underwear with a short skirt when you are a celebrity being photographed getting in and out of your car. Britney, Lindsey and Paris have all had their Naked Bits photographed so you have to figure it's not by accident (especially if it happens more than once).
Check out Dlisted (the site is crashing sometimes from all the links) or Defamer here
NSFW, obviously.
Gays Can't Marry But These Two Can?
People against gays marrying think it will make a mockery of marriage.
Oh, ok.

Photo: People.com
Oh, ok.
Photo: People.com
So Annoying
Lindsey tells Access Hollywood that Paris hit her for no reason and shows a bruise on her arm. But then gets in a car with Paris and Britney at 5am. Or maybe my timeline is all screwed up. Oh who cares.

Photo: People.com
Photo: People.com
Odd Couple of the Week
Considering how much money he must make off Survivor, he really could've gotten any young model. I'd say its nice that he is going for someone his own age (both are 46) but they'll probably be divorce next year.
Fun factoid: She use to be married to the nerdy/nice surgeon on ER.
Photo: People.com
Which is Worse: Britney Married to Kevin or Hanging Out with Paris?
NY Daily News:
Spears was snapped with Hilton on Friday night leaving West Hollywood's Hyde nightclub in a white T-shirt and black mini-skirt (both very Hilton-esque) as well as a pair of Paris' trademark oversize sunglasses.
While maneuvering out of the cab in the black mini, Spears managed to flash her goods to the throng of paparazzi - and there was an awful lot to see.
Hilton has been Spears' partner in crime since the mom of two started on her postmarriage trampage around Las Vegas and Los Angeles after only two weeks of being single.
"Trampage". That's classic.
Photo: People.com
Still Together?
Remember that rumor that Bruce was hooking up with a 9/11 widow? Or is this like Nick and Jessica faking for the cameras?

But Does He Call Her "Carrrrreeeeeeena" in Private?
Lets take a vote: Anyone Care?
My family actually spent some of Thanksgiving discussing Emmitt's win (some for, some against). Interesting fact: Emmitt is 37 (looks older?) and is married to Martin Lawrence's ex-wife. They have his/hers/theirs children. Martin Lawrence's ex? Weird.
Photo: People.com
Where's His Shirt?
You're not on stage, put a shirt on.
Tommy Lee after a night out in South Beach.

Lee nemesis Vince Neil arrives at the club Tommy is at/is leaving.
Tommy Lee after a night out in South Beach.
Gwyneth in Amsterdam
Photo: People.com
How Did Tori Get Invited?
Tori and Clay making fun of the Kelly Ripa Incident at the American Music Awards.

Photo: People.com
Photo: People.com
Does She Shop at Mariposa?
OMG is Mariposa even around anymore?
Britney at an American Music Awards afterparty.

Photo: People.com
Britney at an American Music Awards afterparty.
Photo: People.com
Madonna on NBC
Some questions:
-During Like a Virgin: are the xrays on the screen of her broken bones? Must be, why else did they show them over and over?
-What is with all the horsey stuff? I dont want to see horses falling!
-Does she have on a CTP? Camel Toe Protector? Cause those are some tight pants and you dont see CT.
-She could crush a melon with those thighs
Well Thats a Relief!
Kelly Ripa and Rosie have ended their feud over Clay touching Kellys mouth. Rosie said on The View that Kellys statement "I dont know where youre hands been" was homophobic. Kelly called in to The View and said it was cold and flu season and Clay had been shaking audience members hands.
Barbara Walters said on The View:
As a germaphobe I side with Kelly on this one. Of course, if it was Clooney I wouldve started licking his fingers.
Barbara Walters said on The View:
"Rosie O'Donnell is one of the kindest, most sensitive people I know. And so is our friend Kelly Ripa. And Rosie and Kelly talked yesterday after the show. Rosie and Clay Aiken have talked. And all is well with the world, and all is well with them."
As a germaphobe I side with Kelly on this one. Of course, if it was Clooney I wouldve started licking his fingers.
Gwen's New Song
Maybe it sounds better on the CD than live?
It was almost embarassing when she performed at the American Music Awards.

Photo: Reuters
It was almost embarassing when she performed at the American Music Awards.
Photo: Reuters
American Music Awards
Mario and Karina


Carrie Underwood


Dixie Chicks

Sarah Silverman

Gwen and Gavin

Katharine McPhee


Photos: AP, Reuters
Carrie Underwood
Dixie Chicks
Sarah Silverman
Gwen and Gavin
Katharine McPhee
Photos: AP, Reuters
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