Best Drama- Mad Men
Best Comedy- 30 Rock
Uh, yeah
Best Actor, Drama- Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad
Never seen it. He was the surprise winner last year. He's the new Tony Shaloub.
Best Actress, Drama- Glenn Close, Damages
She's good in everything, isn't she?
Best Supporting Actress, Drama- Cherry Jones, 24
She's great in 24. I also remember her from M. Night movies.
Best Supporting Actor, Drama- Michael Emerson, Lost
This reminded me of how confused I am going to be when Lost comes back on.
Best Variety- The Daily Show
Especially with the election, they were probably the best comedy show as well
Best Miniseries- Little Dorrit
Don't you mean Lil' Dorrit?
Best TV Movie- Grey Gardens
We all poopooed it when it was announced in pre-production, but it turns out it was a nice homage.
Best Actress miniseries/movie- Jessica Lange, Grey Gardens
That wasn't Sam Shepherd she was kissing when she won.
Best Actor miniseries/movie- Brendan Gleeson, Into the Storm
I kept meaning to watch this Winston Churchill movie.
Best Reality Show- The Amazing Race
Has won every year it's been nominated.
Best Host- Jeff Probst, Survivor
I liked his well rehearsed speech.
Best Comedy Actor- Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Like Glenn Close, he's just a good actor no matter where. And they give him great material. When he won, he said he would trade his award to "look like him" (pointing to presenter Rob Lowe). You just have to lose a few pounds Alec! Go see Hunt for Red October. Not too shabby.
Best Comedy Actress- Toni Collette, United States of Tara
People thought this was an upset that Tina Fey didn't win (she did win guest appearance for SNL). I don't think Tina Fey is that amazing of an actress. She's good, and the shows funny. But there's plenty of room for other winners.
Best Supporting Actor, Comedy- Jon Cryer, Two and a Half Men
I've never seen it, but I have to say- the preview they were showing during the Emmys for the show was not funny. At all.
Best Supporting Actress, Comedy- Kristin Chenowith, Pushing Daisies
She was crying, but it didn't look like there were any tears.