Went to see Rick in Vegas at Mandalay Bay last weekend with fellow fan J. It was glorious in it's fake beach, one foot of water with a life guard (not joking), and $11 drinks. It was like Fort Lauderdale spring break. Although low on the douchey guys as it was mostly women, some patient husbands (including J's husband who stood in the back and watched our sandals as we waded in the water to the stage), and a couple of guys who were probably staying at the hotel and thought they could meet some women. They soon found out that all eyes are on Rick.
Normally I bring a disposable camera to Rick shows, because of this:
My phone doesn't take good pics.
He was facing my direction, and my phone takes the pic as he is turned.
Although, for not a good camera, you can still see Rick's crack:
Yes, he started to drop the pants. I was trying to get my phone to take a pic and J said "did you see that?" and I didn't since I was preoccupied with phone. But upon looking back through my pics I notice that I captured it on film. Rock on! I'm sure that's similar to the reaction Mr. Zapruder had upon reviewing his footage.
Congressman Apologizes to BP
More evidence that the GOP are obstructionists to whatever Obama tries to do. And the GOP suck up to the oil industry.
At 1:47
At 1:47
"I'm ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday," said Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.) during a hearing on Thursday morning with BP's CEO Tony Hayward. "I think it is a tragedy in the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown -- in this case a $20 billion shakedown -- with the attorney general of the United States, who is legitimately conducting a criminal investigation and has every right to do so to protect the American people, participating in what amounts to a $20 billion slush fund that's unprecedented in our nation's history, which has no legal standing, which I think sets a terrible precedent for our nation's future."
Hobbity Birthday
Went to a great dinner with great friends for the big day. A few minutes after I said "I haven't seen any celebs lately" in walks Roger Sterling from Mad Men. Shorter than I thought. He was with a guy that believe it or not (and if you know me you'll believe it) I remember from a Seinfeld episode. The one where Elaine tries to get the gay co-worker to switch teams.
It wasn't long before I saw Elijah Wood standing in the door way. I turn to my dinner companions and say "hobbit" and gesture towards the door. He couldn't hear me, I am respectful of the wee fellas. Besides, someone told me once I looked like an elf (yeah, they did) so Frodo and I could have reenacted a scene from Lord of the Rings.
It wasn't long before I saw Elijah Wood standing in the door way. I turn to my dinner companions and say "hobbit" and gesture towards the door. He couldn't hear me, I am respectful of the wee fellas. Besides, someone told me once I looked like an elf (yeah, they did) so Frodo and I could have reenacted a scene from Lord of the Rings.
Wax On
From Funny or Die, a spoof of Ralph Macchio's good-guy persona.
My sister loved him. On a family trip to California, we asked our parents to stop at a Golf N Stuff because it was featured in The Karate Kid. She and I went and touched all the handles of the foos ball tables because that's what Ralph played in the movie. This was before IMDB, so how we knew it was the right Golf N Stuff, I don't know.
Thanks D!
My sister loved him. On a family trip to California, we asked our parents to stop at a Golf N Stuff because it was featured in The Karate Kid. She and I went and touched all the handles of the foos ball tables because that's what Ralph played in the movie. This was before IMDB, so how we knew it was the right Golf N Stuff, I don't know.
Thanks D!
Elton John Sang at Rush's 4th Wedding
For $1 Million.
Now, this would've been awesome if Elton turned around and handed that mil to a gay rights group, or one of the many other groups that Rush slams on a regular basis.
Since there was no press release we can assume Elton spent the money on his toupee, more flowers for his mansions, or sparkly glasses. Class act!
Now, this would've been awesome if Elton turned around and handed that mil to a gay rights group, or one of the many other groups that Rush slams on a regular basis.
Since there was no press release we can assume Elton spent the money on his toupee, more flowers for his mansions, or sparkly glasses. Class act!
Wildlife Apocalypse
That's how the oil spill is being described in the media.
If you like animals, humans, and/or the planet (and hopefully you care about some of those if not all) then join the BP boycott. They should not be rewarded with consumer dollars.
They own the following companies:
BP gas stations, obviously
ARCO gas stations
AM PM mini marts
Castrol Motor oil
Pass it on.
If you like animals, humans, and/or the planet (and hopefully you care about some of those if not all) then join the BP boycott. They should not be rewarded with consumer dollars.
They own the following companies:
BP gas stations, obviously
ARCO gas stations
AM PM mini marts
Castrol Motor oil
Pass it on.
It's Not That Bad...
But it's not that good. It's like watching a long episode of the tv show. It's not painful to watch like a J. Low movie, but it was a bit ridiculous.

Sex and the City 2 is a stereotyped (that gay wedding!), squealing, over the top, "I am woman" movie that has what I consider to be the faux pas of chick flicks- a karaoke scene.
Samantha, a business woman, can't control herself and grabs a man's package in Abu Dhabi, even though it is obviously not Fort Lauderdale where anything goes. Carrie bitches out Big for eating in and not wanting to go out every night, and she glares at the bag of (expensive, trendy) food he brings home as if it is the worst thing a husband can do (hey at least he's bringing home food and not thinking she should. If she's so bothered, hire a cook. And why is eating out every night better than getting take out, seems similar.). Miranda...can't really remember much about her. Charlotte's daughter cries all the time and her nanny doesn't wear a bra.
But Liza Minnelli singing Single Ladies at the wedding was great.
The trailers before the movie were all chick flicks, and the new Twilight movie. Ha!
Sex and the City 2 is a stereotyped (that gay wedding!), squealing, over the top, "I am woman" movie that has what I consider to be the faux pas of chick flicks- a karaoke scene.
Samantha, a business woman, can't control herself and grabs a man's package in Abu Dhabi, even though it is obviously not Fort Lauderdale where anything goes. Carrie bitches out Big for eating in and not wanting to go out every night, and she glares at the bag of (expensive, trendy) food he brings home as if it is the worst thing a husband can do (hey at least he's bringing home food and not thinking she should. If she's so bothered, hire a cook. And why is eating out every night better than getting take out, seems similar.). Miranda...can't really remember much about her. Charlotte's daughter cries all the time and her nanny doesn't wear a bra.
But Liza Minnelli singing Single Ladies at the wedding was great.
The trailers before the movie were all chick flicks, and the new Twilight movie. Ha!
There's One Less Sassy Sister
Before there was Samantha on Sex and the City there was Blanche on the Golden Girls, played by Rue McClanahan.
Pour one out for Rue, who died at the age of 76.
But at Least We Have Oil!
I have not blogged much about the oil spill because it disgusts me. It makes me physically sick, and I can't do anything about it. My contribution- I am not going to the cool BP "green" (ha!) station near my house. F*ck them.
Want to join me? Here are some BP brands:
ampm- you're going to have to get your Slim Jim's some where else
Aral- For those traveling in Germany or Luxembourg
ARCO- see, didn't know that did ya?
Castrol- Motor oil
These poor birds are struggling in the oil. All so executives at BP can have money. Classy.

A cleaned up pelican. Thank you nice people.
Want to join me? Here are some BP brands:
ampm- you're going to have to get your Slim Jim's some where else
Aral- For those traveling in Germany or Luxembourg
ARCO- see, didn't know that did ya?
Castrol- Motor oil
These poor birds are struggling in the oil. All so executives at BP can have money. Classy.
A cleaned up pelican. Thank you nice people.
The Gores are No More
Al and Tipper are ending their 40 year marriage. Maybe he got tired of saying "Tipper"? I predict she got more religious, and/or he found some young hippie green woman who swoons over his ozone PowerPoints.
Something happened, even though they said they "grew apart". Why else can't they just sleep in separate bedrooms like normal people in their 40th year of marriage?
I might be right about this. Expect Al to have a new girlfriend soon.

Photo: AP
Something happened, even though they said they "grew apart". Why else can't they just sleep in separate bedrooms like normal people in their 40th year of marriage?
I might be right about this. Expect Al to have a new girlfriend soon.
Photo: AP
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