war of the beards

So many things have happened in the past few days, it's hard to pinpoint what made us finally give in to the blog...but I'm going to guess that Cruise wrestling Oprah was the final straw.

How could we sit back and not blog while Maverick was putting Oprah in a headlock?

Such enthusiasm on Mav's part has made me think...my boyfriend's never jumped on a couch because he was dating me. My bf never tried to tackle a talk show host, or point to the sky like he just won the Super Bowl, because he was just that excited to be dating me. No, the enthusiasm on my bf's part is quite a bit less than Mav's towards his Dawson Creek gf. He is one chipper fella.

Now that I think about it, hasn't he rescued someone who was drowning and someone from a car accident? Maybe he just has a lot of energy, maybe Katie is couch-jump worthy, maybe there's a movie coming out soon...

In other news, I just cheated and looked up who won American Idol because I can't wait until 10pm. Boo!


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