Poor Martha

Martha is on Larry King tonight and he asked her if the home confinement part of her sentence was hard. She proceeded to tell Larry that it was very hard; she has a gym in another building on her home property and she could not go to that building. She has a library on her compound and she could not go to her personal library. She had to stay in her main house except for a few hours a day.

Couldn't go to her library?!?! See, we knew she was wearing that poncho to act like she can relate to the common person.

You have to see Martha's method for folding a t-shirt. It's hurting my head.
Martha's t-shirt folding

Ok, she just told Larry she is against killing animals for fur...awww Martha, I forgive your uppity attitude. If she can go off fur, there is hope for Anna Wintour- infamous beeyatch, and fur whore.
Anna gets a PETA pie in face

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