I never realized how big Geena Davis is. She's a giant! I like her, and I liked her acceptance speech but I didn't know she was 7 ft. tall. Not a huge fan of her dress:

Everyone is trashing Charlize Theron's dress, but I loved it. Note how she's using her handbag as a strategic cover however:

Gwyneth Paltrow REALLY needs to get over herself. She is doing that "I'm British and speak proper English thing" that Madonna did when she first started living in London. If you're going to introduce Anthony (I know she pronounces it "An-tony") Hopkins, don't forget his title Gwenny, it's SIR ANTHONY. Her dress was terrible too:

Mariah, Mariah, Mariah - OYE. Girlfriend needs a boob job, a stylist who doesn't make her look like a line backer and a hairstylist who doesn't plaster her hair to her head to emphasize her large boobs and shoulders:

I'm glad Mary Louise-Parker won over the desperately annoying housewives. Scary Hatcher better check herself because her time in the spotlight is just about over. I have two words for her: RADIO SHACK.

Why was Pamela Anderson there? It seriously looks like she has cantalopes in her dress. I thought she had those things removed. She needs to go away:

Reese Witherspoon really is adorable and I like her husband. I hope he doesn't wind up like Chad Lowe. I wonder why Joaquin didn't thank Reese in his acceptance speech, not that she cared:

Renee Zellwegger is annoying and stared in her own version of "BB Mountain" this year by marrying Kenny Chestnut. She too needs to go away.

Other random comments with no photos:
• Pierce Brosnan's wife is HUGE! I know she had a baby with him like 10 years ago, but damn, if I was married to James Bond, lived in Malibu and didn't have to work, I would get a trainer.
• Melanie Griffith and her daughter look like they share the same crack pipe.
• Harrison Ford is a drunk and a misogynist.
• Chris Rock needs to settle on the "black people" comments...we get it.
• Drew Barrymore needs a bra.
And finally....George Clooney is hot and classy. Good on ya George for picking up a globe for "Syriana." Because he's so hot, he gets the biggest photo:

1 comment:
loved your comments. i also think it was sweet they gave George an award. He is nice and handsome, and i guess that's what it is all about.
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