WHICH 20-something US pop star was so obnoxious when he did the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb with his famous girlfriend that his name has been taken off the wall of fame at the attraction?
my guess:
WHO'S the parasitic celeb who took so much cocaine at an Grammy after-show bash she had to be carried by two muscular flunkeys to her tacky awaiting limo?
(Is Paris too obvious? She is parasitic)
WHICH pop flop paid a gay former troley-dolly to pretend to be her lover when she attempted to re-launch her carrer? The lady in question tried to have her cake and eat by tipping snappers of their whereabouts, but she's been rumbled...
my guess:
WHICH Hollywood hunk had a secret homosexual affair in his 20's? The star ended his gay relationship by hooking up with an A-list girlfriend and he still keeps schtum about his man-on-man liaison.
(ooh a new word- schtum...I draw a blank with Hollywood hunks- Matthew M/Sandra Bullock?)
WHO's the Hollywood star who's so paranoid about his wife cheating on him he's hired a private investigator to keep an eye on her? The former hellraiser would appear to be judging others by his own standards - but friends predict a river of tears if his missus finds out.
my guess:
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