...Words I didn't expect to hear from Oprah Winfrey when I turned on the telly today. The look on Opie's face when a gay man with a former crystal meth problem talked about "bug chasing" and "bareback" was priceless.
Is that true? That gay men on crystal meth go bug chasing bareback, hoping to get HIV?
yep, it's true....i dont 'do' tv, and didnt see Oprah, but there is a group of gay men that purposely try to get ''the bug''. Rolling Stone did a big article about it a couple years back...according to a few of the men that were interviewed; the reason they are attracted to the idea is because they have attached a feeling of being aroused by the fact that they may contract Aids. makes no sense to me, and its terribly sad that this practice continues to this day. the only thing that surprises me is the fact that it took Oprah so long to bring it to the mainstream. i always thought she was more 'hip' than the average.
great blog btw.......peace
barebacking means using NO form of protection.
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