Were they weird or was it just me?

First of all- what was with John Norris' hair? Yikes.
Secondly- does no one have a sense of humor?

Jack White barely acknowleged Jack Black when JB suggested the two have a Black & White band...and Vanessa Minillo acted like she didnt get what Sarah Silverman was doing by saying Paris Hilton was fat.
Jared Leto was odd, that skit with Britney and Kevin didnt make sense, and were the Black Eye Peas drunk at the end?

Al Gore had a funnier line than Jack Black had all night: "I wasnt going to come but then I heard Justin Timberlake was bringing sexy back...so here I am." Why didnt he show personality during the election??? Robot Gore no more??

Lots of Jackass promoting their second movie. An MTV movie, perhaps?
If you missed OK Go's trendmill routine:
you tube
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