Survivor casting has covered a lot of ground.
I guess since Survivor is in China they cant start the show by throwing all their crap off a boat and making them swim to the island. This time they start in a Budhist temple. The christian, maybe fearing God won't understand, flees the building. The waitress, like, thought they were like, bowing forever, like.
As usual the show does start with us viewers getting the impression that the contestants have never watched the show before, despite this being it's 15th incarnation. For example: Jeff tells them they cant bring their luggage with them, they are stuck with what they have on. The waitress doesnt have a bra on, another is wearing Doc Marten-type heavy boots. One woman has shoes I can barely wear in real life (the kind you slip your foot in with a heel), and she chose to wear them to Survivor?
Alas, at the challenge they all got their sneakers, so now only the women in skirts have real clothing issues.
Another thing we see every season is that Survivor is much harder than they think it's going to be. "There's so much mud" one of them announces. Again, have they ever seen the show? There is always rain while they're trying to build the shelter, etc.
In the end, it looked like Chicken (that's his nickname, he's a chicken farmer) didn't fit in well enough and was given the boot. Again, just like ever season the oldest person goes first. If he watched the show, he would've known that!
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