If you don't know: Carson sidekick, and Blooper co-host extraordinaire (with Dick Clark, remember?) Ed McMahon's house is soon to be foreclosed. It has been on the market for a couple years. Oh, and it's also near Britney Spears' house, which might explain why it won't sell.
What I don't understand:
-Where's the money? Ed should've made bank on the Tonight Show. As well as Star Search, Bloopers, Commercials...IMDB.com says he wrote 3 books.
-The broken neck. 85 yr old Ed broke his neck over a year ago, and he can't work. Since when do we expect an 85 yr old to work??? Let alone one that is a millionaire. Did his retirement plan include working until he died? And what kind of work is he missing out on exactly? (if it's commercials, surely he can do voiceovers with a broken neck)
-Ed's wife. I just saw a clip of her on Larry King and she looked about 50 (mature enough to be able to handle bills) and said they dropped the ball.
What celebrity/rich person do we think will bail him out?
Any guesses?
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