What a change from dour George. Obama's ad libbing, the House is cheering whenever the are referenced (like when a band says the hometown name at a concert and the crowd goes wild), Biden gave big smiles. Even you who say "he's not the man I voted for" have to appreciate this more than W.
I thought Steadman was there, but it was Eric Holder. (Do you like how Oprah's bf goes by one name also?)
The justices are pretty much sitting on their hands. You know Ginsberg wants to shout "You go, O!"
Pelosi is cracking up whenever people start clapping and no one joins them.
Obama didn't ignore the topic of healthcare. And said it's obvious he didn't tackle healthcare because it's good politics.
He said a lot more things...put up with bitter laughs from the right...had to tell Congress that they shouldn't be acting like f*cks to each other...ok that was my word. But that's basically what he meant. He had to tell this to grown people!
Wow. There are some odd looking congress people.
This last part, where the cheering stopped...where the House must be coming off of their office kegger buzz...where it was quiet...gave me chills. This man can give a speech.
Photo: Reuters
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