We can only hope Hugh Jackman appropriately keeps things exciting. (Goodness, did you see Oprah freaking out over Hugh on her Friday show? I sense and indecent proposal in their future.)
Predictions, with snarky comments sprinkled throughout.
BEST PIC- Slumdog all the way.
None of the other films come close as far as story, style, direction. A few months ago I thought Milk would win as a Prop 8/Brokeback Mtn apology. But, no. Frost/Nixon has zero chance. Didn't see The Reader but I'm saying goose egg on that one. I liked Benji Button, and was moved more than I thought I would be (what can I say, Brad is still kinda cute as an old, wrinkly dude). But as has been pointed out in the press- Benjamin Button has a lot of similarities with Forrest Gump. And while FG did win Best Pic back in it's day, the academy ain't giving it another one.
BEST DIRECTOR- Slumdog's Danny Boyle. 'nuff said.
BEST ACTOR-A** vs. A**...it's Rourke by a nose hair.
I don't think the academy is eager to give Sean Penn another Oscar. I get the sense they're not fans of his. The lack of Best Director nom for Into The Wild, being clue number one. Yes, they gave him an award for Mystic River, but if the academy didn't give awards to people they thought were a**holes, George Clooney would win every year.
Speaking of people they don't want to give it to. I am pretty sure the academy does not want Mickey Rourke carrying around an Oscar. He just looks like he's a bit of an a**, non? But Hollywood pees itself over a comeback, and this one went from 9 1/2 Weeks--->boxing--->bad plastic surgery--->dogs were his only friends--->Oscar nominee. And the other nominees aren't strong enough contenders: I thought Frank L. sounded like Sean Connery, not Nixon; Brad Pitt will have to settle with being so good looking; Richard Jenkins was good in The Visitor, and could win if the academy refuses to give Rourke an Oscar/give Sean another one. Remember, Burt Reynolds was supposed to have had a comeback and win an Oscar about ten years ago. And Eddie Murphy had an Oscar within his grasp. Rumor why both men lost- they were jerks.
BEST ACTRESS- Winslet. She gets naked, she can act. She should've won years ago for something I'm sure.
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS- Penelope Cruz leads the pack for the dreadfully boring Vicki Christina Blahblah, all because she goes nuts in a scene. The Benji Button lady was in half the movie. I didn't see Doubt, so I can't comment on the two actress from that movie. The academy will not give this to Marissa Tomei and make her a two-time Oscar winner. This looks like Penny's award. And the academy won't forget she was nominated in the past for Best Actress (for Volver, I believe).
Animated- WALL-E
Best song- Jai-ho from guess who.
Best score- Start the sighing
Cinematography- Someone get that kid some chocolate milk to cheer him up- it's a Slummy night
Editing- Make that a double!
Art Direction- It should be noted- Slumdog isn't nominated. I'm going with Benjamin Button.
Costume Design: The Duchess is a period piece, so that's what I'll pick.
Makeup- Benjamin Buttons should get this.
Visual Effects- Benjamin Buttons. It really did look like Brad as the little guy.
Sound- The Dark Knight.
Sound Mixing- The Dark Knight.
Documentary- Man On Wire. He walks between the Twin Towers for Pete's Sake.
Here's where I just copy what the experts are saying
Foreign Language- The Class
Short- Spielzugland
Animated Short- Presto
Documentary Short- The Witness
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