Hugh did great. I thought the new approach was good. Having it be more showbizzy than comedy makes you realizes how much time is taken up by jokes. Although, would've been nice to have had a dash more jokes. I think not one person was played off by the orchestra.
Hugh hands out cookies during a commercial break.
No big upsets. Sean winning was not a surprise once I realized he won the SAG award, which is voted on by actors- the largest voting branch of the Academy (although SAG has a lot more members than those that are also in the Academy). The fact that Sean mentioned Mickey in his speech shows how much it was thought Mickey would win.
What stylist did this to Kate's hair?
Sean's hands were shaking- nervous that he won, or was he remembering that Madonna is in town? (she's throwing a party)
Ok- I'd admit it! I wanted the camera to zoom in on Brad & Angelina when Jennifer Aniston walked out (and they did- twice that I counted). Jen looked nervous or unsettled, and like she was going to cry. She really looked like there were tears that were going to drop at any minute. And I'm not saying that because I'm not a fan and I was overanalyzing her reaction to being in front of B&A. It could be that she was regretting the dress that looked like all the others she wears, or the hair. I don't think the Holly Hobbie hair helped her any.
For the acting awards, five of the winners from the past introduced the nominees. I didn't think it was a bad idea. It was different, and I guess nice to see winners from the past. It was long, but the producers shortened up the award elsewhere. I really thought Eva Marie Saint passed away (she's in the white outfit). Was I confusing her with June Allison? Not sure. Goldie and those dresses, oy. Penelope won, as expected.
Sarah Jessica and Matthew were very lovey on the red carpet.
I'm not sure if it's the brown hair, or the heavy eye makeup, but something is not flattering on her. Looking harsh. The top of the breasts doesn't look natural.
This bit by Ben Stiller went way over people's heads if they don't know about Joaquin Phoenix latest look. You could tell who in the audience was in the know.
Jessica Biel- are you high?
Tilda Swinton's top matches her hair. And why were Goldie, Tilda and Jessica Biel in taupe?
My nemesis, not only got to dance with Hugh, but...This is hard for me to type. They. Sang. Grease.
I shake my fist at Beyonce.
Nothing says I almost didn't bother showing up than a knit cap.
Philip Seymour Hoffman- I know you were in Heath Ledger's category, so you were probably confident that you wouldn't be getting up to the podium. However, it is never ok to wear a beanie to the Oscars. Never.
Tommy Lee Jones shaved his head for a role, and still showed up to the Oscars sans-cap.
Reese, take a chance. Get away from this look for once.
Heath Ledger's family accepted his award. They should feel proud that he really did deserve it, and didn't get it as some kind of sympathy award. Are they also in taupe?
Let's face it- Hugh is charming and hunky. And no, I don't care if he was rooting extra hard for Milk, I still think he is a hunky hunk. (He has an older wife, adopted children, and can sashay across the stage- the trifecta of gay rumors)
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