Whoopie has mentioned on The View that she will be there. And Bill Maher said he is presenting Best Documentary. I haven't heard who else is presenting, but I'm sure the producers will take advantage of Brad and Angelina both being nominated.
-Just read on E! that Jennifer Aniston will present an award with Jack Black. Did I not just say the producers would take advantage of B&A being nominated? The producers are no doubt hoping for a cat fight. As far as the public knows, Jen and Angelina have never seen eachother after the whole thing went down.
I'm still curious why Hugh Jackman is hosting. I mean, the Oscars already have the gays watching. Not that Hugh is gay, but he is a song and dance man and obviously isn't a comedian. I'm not sure what audience they are trying to get with Hugh- older women? cougars? bears? Australia?
The X-Men nerds might be taken by surprise how Wolverine shakes his hips (see Hugh's hosting duties on the Tonys to know what I mean).
He's about as hunky as they get, so maybe it's that reason alone.
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