I am in denial, but this is Eddie Van Halen at a party last night.
Just by looking at the photo I can smell the booze, cigs and stank that is surrounding him like Pig Pen. What happened to his teeth? Did Van Halen lose their dental coverage? Or is that the crack pipe talking?
I realize I might be in the minority of people who know that "Everybody Wants Some" is a Van Halen song, but I do like their cheesy rock songs.
Who knew David Lee Roth would end up being the normal one?

-pics: AP, Getty Images
When I first moved to L.A. a couple of years ago, I was buying a big gulp at a 7-11 and noticed this tiny shriveled up rocker dude get out of a mercedes and enter to buy a bottle of wine. I got sad when I realized it was Edward Van Halen.
If he just fixed his teeth and did something with his hair, he'd be fine.
Holy Shit, did Skeletor and the Crypt Keeper have a son we didn't know about? Who dressed up this homeless man, gave him a shower and displayed him like that? David Lee Roth? God bless you, Dave! Kudos to Dave for helping the homeless!
Ladies and gentleman, accepting the award for Keith Richards tonight, Mr. Edward Van Halen!
damn! he used to be so cute!
Actually that's his brother, Alex Van Halen. Eddie had to stay under the Hollywood Freeway underpass to guard their shopping cart of possessions.
At Elton's party last night, right next to me somone said, "so, you guys don't do drugs?"
I said to my friend, "Please tell me that's not Eddie Van Halen".
She said, "Yes, it is".
Doesn't Eddie know it's not polite to pull your teeth out at a party?
This is what happens kids when your albums no longer sell and you have to rely on Cabo Wabo the Clown, Sammy Hagar, to save your career. It's a damn shame people on welfare can use their state checks on drugs.
Looks like someone just woke "Up For Breakfast", on LSD.
He had cancer, a friend just informed me. It was an oral cancer and they put him through a lot of radiation. That's why he looks this way. It's not really something that's his fault.
He *had* cancer in 2000. He is now cancer free. He did not look this way in 2001. He has has slid in the last few years because he's an admitted acoholic and known drug addict. Valerie did not leave him because he had cancer, she said she left him because he was an alcoholic.
who's that on his arm? obviously a chick who doesn't mind a little taste of the good stuff when they kiss
That chick is so not hot, she's further evidence of how far he's fallen.
What's he holding in his right hand in the first pic? His ATM card? Her ATM card?
No surprise. This is what Meth does to people. It eats you alive.
Sad to see.
He looks like a Crack Hag. The cancer didnt cause that, I saw him close up 2 years after the cancer was gone, and he didnt look like Ratbag.
You can only do the booze and hard drugs so long, and they will get you. He looks like a crack hooker you see on the show COPS
What a shame, this wreck has a child
Eddie Rocks Period!!!
He makes keith richards look like the poster child for good health!
Its ecstacy. That stuff rots your teetch in months.
God bless you EVH...the GREATEST GUITARIST in history......I hope you heal up quick. My prayers will be with you.
Si salió del cáncer, espero que lo haga del alcohol, pero debe pedir ayuda, especialmente a Dios
Pure ecstasy has nothing to do with rotting teeth. It's probably meth, and maybe crack. Meth is the new dental/ medical nightmare sweeping the country. This dude is rich, if he was interested in fixing his teeth, he could do it. But he's not, which means he doesn't care.
On another note, is that Tawny Kitaen with him? You know, Whitesnake video chick?
Tawny Kitaen doesn't look that good or that thin
Even heavy smoking can do heavy damage to your teeth and gums. I know that from hard learned experience.
Grill work needed for sure and the dude definitely needs a comb, but he can stop dressing like Rue McClanahan this instant!
You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Lets hope that none of you are judged with the same measure of condemnation as you have given. May God bless Eddie Van Halen.
Yes. God Bless Eddie and all the meth heads of the world.
Fuuuuck... I guess money can't buy class.
Fuuuuck... I guess money can't buy class.
I saw Van Halen play a little over a year ago at Staples, part of a huge tour, so he's not broke.
He played like a genius, and his hair wasn't combed then either.
Oddly enough many celebs don't get their teeth fixed...Sam Shepard for example. When he played with no shirt on btw...his body looked like he was 20 years ago.
All you insulters..let me see you play guitar like that with tight jeans and no shirt age age 50!
I hope for his son's sake he gets it together. God bless you EVH.
rot in hell
radiation to the jaw can cause your teeth to rot... and not right away. there's nothing you can do about it except watch them fall out. he's going to need dentures
Thanks for that info about chemo's effect on teeth. BTW, to the mean ones: Why is cool for Keith Richards to look that way w/bad teeth and hair, but for Eddie it means he's a homeless wino?
I got more upset when Eddie lit
up a cigarette onstage at Staples, and said "This is how I got cancer".
I work in the field and I'm surprised his cancer treatment team didn't do routine dental extractions prior to the radiation. Mine does -- if the patient recovers and lives long enough, they get dentures later. But other centers may have different procedures. Other effects are chronic severe dry-mouth and loss of taste, both of which can be life-long. So Eddie may be cancer-free, but not free of long-term side effects.
But yes, that's what head & neck cancer looks like -- and at least he looks like a HAPPY cancer survivor!
Keith will out live this troll...JK... i think Eddy is cool, but don't knock Keith Fuck Face!!
I thought Eddie was Iron Maiden's mascot.....I didn't know he played guitar in Van Halen. What happened to that guy that wrote "Eruption"? He was ok. ;) - RR
eddie is my hero i dream of the day van halen and sammy haggar get back together and i hope for his sake and his sons hes clean
Like father, like son, sadly.
Good Lord, the Crypt Keeper looks 10X better than Eddie. What happened to the guy?
This is what happens when you have too much money and can't get your kicks playing guitar anymore.
Maybe that's a Safeway club card in his hand. Never know when you need it.
How very sad. No amount of fame and money is worth ending up like this. Eddie, you are in my prayers.
he is pushin 60 right
He celebrated his 51st birthday on January 26.
I'm soooo shocked! Seriously, I think this is the first time I've seen a washed up rocker look like poo under my shoe.
Let the man be...you all who project negativity are losers! This guy, no matter what the story has been around longer, played better than 99% of the earths population and seen/done/ made more money than all of you, so next time you dare to make a comment OR PASS JUDGEMENT on anyone,ESPECIALLY a rockstar like Eddy, should definatly think twice.....it could be you when the ax falls or maybe when the cancer hits....or when you get involved with the darkside of drugs. GET REAL AND SHUT YOUR PIE HOLES!!!
Check out this pic. Its an even WORSE pic of Eddie the sewer god.
I am GLAD you posted that other pic. He looks MUCH BETTER to me, just has a beard. In fact, his hair is fine here. And Mel Gibson looks about the same w/his recent grey beard and shaggy hair (both Mel and Eddie are grey now...DUH..
they are in ther 50's!!! He looks a lot better than The Lizard King in his final days..and Morrison was only in his 20's...also in Hollywood have seen Val Kilmer look a lost worse than Eddie. These stars often are not well groomed in between gigs. Once I saw Richard Gere denied access an event; security radio saying "this guy here is a homeless guy w/grey hair and dirty jeans!"
He looks bad, but a few bad photos can make you look that way.
What happened to the "good" pix of Eddie from that night? Three "good" photos of a crackhead can spin it a totally different way.
I'm not defending him, I don't give a FUCK...but it's a few photos. Think.
Well, let me tell you all something. . .
Sorry, I forgot what it was from staring at Eddies rotten baked bean teeth.
Crystal Meth, baby!!
How could a guy that could play a guitar like that, not play a toothbrush from time to time?
OR. .was Valerie Bertanellie's cunt that nasty??
You tell me.
apparently....eddie's got meth mouth from "accidentally" getting into meth because it was laced in coke he did.......christ...what a sad and disgusting set of pictures......for god sake man, go get yer teeth fixed or replaced. ACK! and get off the drugs or stay HOME ffs. no wonder he's getting divorced. i wouldn't kiss that with courtney love's mouth.
I was forwarded this to this site via email and I've got to say that after reading all of your comments especially the negative ones, I just have to laugh and because it is people like you who probably have some kind of character, mental or physical flaw yourselves and have to dis on other people to make up for your short commings.. Hey I'm all for Freedom of Speech but we all know that he has struggled with addiction and cancer but hey it is the AMERICAN WAY to find something negative to say! As far as his looks? He's an older gent and he doesn't care... he does'nt need to impress anyone!
Wether you like him or not, to really know him is to walk in his shoes and none of you even begin to fathom his experiences... we got other things to worry about beside Eddie Van Halen... Let the man be...
Makes Keith Richards look like a healthy 60 year old. Actually, Ole Keefer has been sober for years now.His high is playing guitar.
Part of Eddie's image was that he was kind of an "ageless wonder", even in is 30's and 40's he looked really young. So guess what, he's not young anymore! Deal with it, jerks. He's up and around and still has a shot at a Dave re-union, so I'm not compaining!
Eddie RULES!!!
Life experiences have a way of changing the way people think and how they react to circumstances in other people's lives.
Eventually, something will happen in your lives that will impact you. It's an unfortunate consequence of time's effect on people.
Maybe then you will find that you do in fact have compassion, and you'll reflect back on your own actions and possibly impact someone else in a positive way.
Does he kiss Valerie Bertinelle with that mouth?
I can't help but post my own comment in response to others. I am not a physician or oral surgeon, but my father has oral cancer so I'm living this. It's called years of drinking and smoking. Eddie appears to have had head and neck radiation which has caused his teeth to essentially rot. Pulling them at this stage of treatment is extremely risky; he should have pulled them prior to radiation. His jaw bones have weakened and they can easily break while pulling the teeth. If his jaw breaks, they remove it. He can't eat so he gets a g-tube in his stomach for food. He can't breathe so he gets a hole in his throat. In addition, if there is any jaw bone exposed to air his cancer will spread like wildfire. I'm sure someone will post some ignorant reply to my comment, but I am hoping that if there is one person out there who drinks and smokes they will re-think their lifestyle. You can't see lung cancer. Unfortunately, you will watch oral cancer consume your face. My dad's cheeks, tongue, top of his mouth are gone...cut out one by one in very invasive, painful surgeries. Rather than post rude comments about Eddie, educate yourself and it might save your life. Google "oral cancer" and "osteo radio necrosis" and witness it for yourself. And in the meantime, give Eddie a break.
Looks like his various health problems have taken a toll on him over the years. I think we can all agree the last 5 years have not been his best, personally, musically, or otherwise, but EVH has an artistic legacy that is impervious to annonymous internet slandering.
His appearance doesn't diminish much in the way of his musical legacy or accomplishments. The mothers basement armchair critics can bitch, moan and spout ignorant (and, ok, funny at times) commentary, but hey, he's still EVH and he can still beat your ass at guitar!
I heard Eddie Van Halen had to be rushed to the hospital and had two gallons of bad teeth pumped out of his stomach.
Some guy told me that Eddie Van Halen had cow's teeth surgically attached to his real teeth.
Somebody told me the haters - still posting from their clamshell couches in their grandparents attics - have absolutely nothing better to do with their lives than trash a cat who's a killer musician (no pun intended), made some bad choices, and had some bad luck in recent days. I would say save your caustic posting venom for your girlfriends, but we all know you don't have any.
It's great to post drivel under an anonymous handle, but even worse is convincing yourselves that people actually take your misanthropic posts seriously (like me, yikes!) Instead of posting rude remarks, hang ten at your local burger joint.
dude just needs some new songs...he's needed some good one's since 1984. he can play but he can't write.
And quit insulting his career...he did a very successful amazing tour less than two years ago.
What? Do you all live in some hut in a tiny hick town? His tour sold out every night. The reviews were as good as anyone ever gets in a lifetime. You seem to be ignorant small town geeks to me, and Van Halen d/n waste time on you so you are bitter. I've seen Stones in their prime and every other legendary band...seeing Eddie play recently was witnessing a genius musician...once in a lifetime experience. He is VERY athletic too, moving the same as in his videos...can YOU do that?
I have funny feeling many of YOU are missing a lot of teeth to be
so focused on it.
It sucks some of y'all shit on Eddie like you do. Im sure if any of you had had the chance to hang-out with one of the few guitar gods you all would have been drinkin and partyin it up.
To me he just looks like a guy who had the opportunity to become HUGE and did it HUGE for all of us that won't have the chance.
Id like to see what some of you big mouths would look like if you had enough money to do whatever you want and didn't have to say oh shit I gotta work tomorrow I cant drink or damn I gotta pay my insurance bill can't buy no smoke.
sucks for him.
Have ANY of you bothered to listen to phone call Eddie made to a local radio station about his pics? He pretty much summed it all up: "Yeah my teeth are just
f-d up, OK? I'm not on meth.
I had CANCER, and my teeth are really f-d up." PS: From the phone call, it's obvious he's NOT on meth nor drunk.
PS go to wireimage.com to see the OTHER pics taken that night...some are really cute actually, for a 50-year rocker. Then keep looking at that site for photos of him during tour of 8/04 (year and half ago)...
He looks great...but I bet if you close in on those pics...yeah he likely has f-d up teeth.
Dear Mr. Van Halen,
We are glad to inform you that your screen test for Ma Kettle in our upcoming movie "Ma and Pa Kettle the movie" was excellent. Please call us at once so we can sign the contract.
The Grim Reaper.
Bill & Ted would be most disappointed.
He had cancer. He has(or had) enough money to get his teeth fixed.
Show some sympathy folks. The man is only human, just like the rest of us.
No matter how he may appear on the outside,on the inside is still a beautiful,extremly talented man that has given us some of the best times of our life. He deserves a little compassion and awhole lot of respect.Love is for better or for worse and we all love him!
Eddie, Eddie, what happened? Your teeth are falling out, you look three sheets to the wind and your choice in clothes does not do you justice.
Clean up please. I know that you had cancer and that knocked the shit out you but please get well soon.
They call them living legends for nothing you know.
Maybe a trip back to Holland for a while would help?
If everyone would do their homework before posting you would already know that he is with Joey House in the picture above and he is still rocking currently in the past month. They chose to print the worst of the pictures above, haven't we all made bad photos before? Check out this link, he looks wonderful considering all he has been thru. God Bless You EVH!!!
Who needs a F***n fashion award when you play guitar like a god. Not everything is about looks, all you shortminded people
maybe those are his new dentures he is holding in that pic! (fingers crossed!)
love his music but oh boy!
yes he looks bad, but sone people don't age as well as others ESPECIALLY when you have partied most of your life, hang in there Eddie, you are still 1 of the top guitar players in the nation!!!!!!!!
he was sick and surely it makes me sad. He's a friend, a guitar master. He looks not in good conditions but it's normal after the problems he suffered. Drugs, divorce and cancer could make disasters....in a certain way also I was better on my 20's...good luck Edward, you are still great and alive
Listen...All you monkeys with comments about how he may look or how terrible his posture is..BLAH BLAH BLAH. YOu are all just a bunch of band wagon idiots. Try and live that life..Try it..I do not think anyone on here has a clue what that life does to you..ANd then even beyond that..TRY TO PLAY A GUITAR LIKE HE DOES..Opps Did we mention that he was one of only few pioneers in that world..What have you people done..Sat in front of a computer and made comments about a man you don't even know. Oh yea you drive to your 9 to 5 job and bitch and complain about your boss, and your bills and how hard your life is..You have not even lived you are just exsisting..!!MONKEYS!!!!
Life will happen to all of us in it's own way and we need to understand that different lifestyles have different effects on anyone. Eddie has been a GOD. You try to live through that and let's see who among us would still be standing strong. "No one could withstand the life that's been, although they've been through it."
Well no matter wich way of life EVH chooses for himself, he still is, and will forever be a legend in rock music history on this ball in space. Does anyone of you know a rockstar who does not have any kind of Problem? This man is getting old, this man has his own personality just like you and me with all the good and bad moves, and has spent his whole life on the roads of rock and roll. This way of live leaves his trails on health.....I would love to take pictures from all of you who judge this man by only seeing him on a pic.
Ed, if you ever read this, i would say, there are a lot of people who still like you just the way you are...groeten uit nederland.
Eddie it seems has no soul and if youve heard him talk lately its nonsensible ramblings. He doesnt want Michael Anthony in the band because he is still friends with Hagar. Thats so petty and childish. Grow up Ed, youve already lost a good woman dont lose everything else to booze and drugs. You can party in moderation but too much is too much. You cant have a VanHalen reunion without the bass player. The fans will feel cheated. Your Choice
Abbi cura di te, Eddie! Abbiamo ancora bisogno della tua musica! Dio ti protegga!
Too funny. This man lived the rock and roll lifestyle exactly as it was defined. Hard and fast, with no regrets. You got about 20 years of the best years of your life from the time you are 15 to 35, and it's like a bank account. EVH did not leave a cent of that unspent. EVH probably had more life defining moments in one tour of the great years of VH than anyone on this board can recall in their entire life.
And you blame him because the flame out hit him when he is finally 50? And you are sitting fat and pudgy at a keyboard with no hair and a desk job somewhere. Hell he is still probably enjoying himself %300 more than anyone here. And the fact he can still go out and tour one more time, even on a reduced level, is far more than anyone here can say.
Not to mention he's left a legacy that will last for at least a couple centuries.
Ha, you guys are just complete morons.
The Monster Van Halen rules.
reagrless of his looks he still managed to come to the party with babe...go eddie!
eddie eddie eddie! dude! dump that crack hoooooooe and stop at the Weber store and get a new GRILL!!!
jeez bro! i was depending on you!
1 more tour W/DAVE!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$
think of all the ice & teeth you could buy!!!! it's a win win!!!
pull thy head out of thy ass bro! PLEEEEEEEEZE!
and then Eddie ssid, “Hey, I think I just wet myself. Somebody get a drink!”
or….try this one, and then Eddie said, “Hey is that mashed potatoes in my pants or did I just make a boo boo!?”
I love Eddie's music but these pix are just too funny NOT to goof on! Sorry gang but when you choose a life in the pubic eye your fair game to be goofed on when you fuck up. That's just the way it is. And sorry if I can't feel too bad for the poor little rich boy. He's had it all, Fame, Riches, Beautiful women by the score, a Lovely caring wife. He's done more and seen more then most people on the planet and yet he continues for throw it all away on booze and drugs. It's beyond sad. I hope he can get his life together but I will never understand how you can have it all and still be unhappy. I have nothing close to the riches and privileges that he enjoys and yet I feel my life is full and over all a very happy one. So do I feel sorry for him? Sorry folks fraid not. Do I wish him well, yes. Do I enjoy goofing on him, Hell YES! It's just too funny not too.
That's not Eddie Van Halen. It's Patty the Daytime Hooker from My Name is Earl.
If all you guys were really EVH. fans you would know that he hates being in the public eye. I saw VH. in 1978 and many times after, Haggar or not. He has been blessed with a talent. a very remarkable talent. A few bad pics of him should not change that. People seem like buzzards sometimes..looking to pick at the hurt or dead. he really does look terrible in those pics but who's to say why? I know he has his probs, but that does not make him less of a person He's still Eddie and always will be. At least he has the dignity not to pull a Kurt Cobain trick!, He's here and he will be back. And hopefully outlive Keith Richards, not that he's not a great. but I'd rather see someone live, and live happily than end their life over stupid shit! He deserves his fame, He made it happen. God bless you Eddie you are are a great no matter if you look good or you look like shit......at least you're still in the big game. and I thank god that you got rid of that no talent annoying cunt....It's about time! shit! she would drive me to drink!! Take care of you're self Ed..I wanna see you again.
So, he got addicted to meth because he "accidentally" used it thinking it was just coke?? That's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. And he supposedly sees his son every day? Wow. Very disturbing.
I'm a teacher and I am going to post this "before and after" pictures on my "Say No To Drugs" bulletin board. http://www.collegehumor.com/picture:1746522
Yes, sounds cruel, but I have no sympathy for people who contribute to our society's drug crisis... Eddie Van Halen used to be so cute- but this is a classic example of what meth can do to someone. If this picture can scare a kid away from the drug scene, it'll be worth it...
Hey, It's not only drugs that can make you look like that.. I looked the same way during my last break-up. ~ I'm Thankful for Eddie,, He inspired me to play Guitar, and it's still a Hobby to this day.. I met him when I was on ONE DAY AT A TIME as an actor.. He used to come to the set for the Friday night tape to hang with Valerie.. They were getting married the next day.. He was a Nice Guy, No pretenses, which was Great because I was a Huge Van Halen Fan in the David Roth days.. I met his brother Alex that evening too.. After the show was taped, He showed me his Black Corvette in the underground garage - Alex had a Jeep.. Eddie's Tux, for the wedding the next day, was in the trunk.. I ended up Front Row Center at their next concert.. All the people I have ever talked too, that have met him, have Good things to say.. I can say from a first hand experience that he was Cool.. I can't afford his new EVH Frankenstein issue guitar for $25,000, but if I ever make it into that circle, I'd like to get some guitar lessons from the Master.. There are alot of things that Suck worse than drugs on this planet.. Everything is relative - He hasn't sent many to their death like the current Administration.. I've rocked out to his music !.. Hopefully I'll meet him again.
I know this is an old post, but I had to comment. For you who choose to throw stones and judge, may you be judged by the Ultimate Judge...
Whether you are one of the greatest guitarists the world has seen or a millionaire CEO (Herbalife), you have your own view of life and it isn't determined by what others see. For someone to be so shallow to say Eddies a loser because he "had it made", is sad in its own right. To look at a situation with such a simplistic view takes a truely simple person with a weak soul.
God Bless, Ed.
Nothingness lies coiled in the heart of being - like a worm.
Great article! Thanks.
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Good job!
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Nice Article.
44DOSC write more, thanks.
Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Please write anything else!
Please write anything else!
Nice Article.
Good job!
Thanks to author.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Thanks to author.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
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What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
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Hello all!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Wonderful blog.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
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Beam me aboard, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
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Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
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Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
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What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Please write anything else!
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
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Good job!
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
Thanks to author.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
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You are my kind of person.
their all little fucks, 5'7" if, probably less than 60 pounds, no teeth,. no hair, lethargic,. not sure why he never wrote - one Christian song. they thought it funny when Davey said he is jamming in hell with Jimmy Hendrix, at eddies funeral, Infront of his kid, wifey, blabla LA, everyone laughed...just wondered.
Personally, I do the same shit at home on my hundred dollar guitar
I love u man..
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