Top Chef- Yeeeehaaaawwww

This season, Top Chef Texas invited more chefs than there were spots on the show, and made them prove their worth. Group 1 had to cook for Tom, Padma and new judge Emeril. Group 2 cooked for Tom, Padma and Gail.  If the judges didn't think you were worthy of one of the 16 chef jackets, you were either told to pack your knives or were told you were "on the bubble"- they would let you cook off with the rest of the 'on the bubbles' to see who made the cut.

If that weren't enough, before they even presented their food Tom went around the kitchen and told a few people to pack their knives. I know they're trying to turn up the heat for the show, but dang. If I was going to crush someone's reality show dreams I wouldn't want knives involved.

I knew I would be annoyed with Top Chef Texas by the commercials alone. Padma trying to be a sexy cowgirl.

And lookie who is in the video below- Peewee Herman (Alamo reference I'm hoping...remember, he went looking for his bike...) and is that Oscar winner Charlize Theron? It's very possible it's not, since all blondes look alike (aw snap) but it looks like her. Because when I think Texas, I think of South African born Charlize Theron. Tommy Lee Jones is more like it!

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