American Inventor

I know, I'm a tv whore. I got sucked into American Inventor. Haven't seen all of them, saw one hour last night.

How did the football thing beat the in-brella? Obviously those people live in dry cities. With a little tweaking the in-brella could work, right?


Anonymous said...

We would appreciate you letting your viewers know that Doug Hall will be guest bloggin live this Sunday, April 23.

He will be on at 9:30 Eastern time at for anyone who wants to ask him questions or give feedback.


Neil said...

I would have like to have seen the sand shovel guy get the money...but then, no one asked me! It makes more sense than running around with stick sticking out of your chest, or better yet, a pool noodle...think about it, he had one school use it and their kids learned how to catch...maybe the answer is spend more time in practice catching the ball. Mark should have spent more on his product, less on his suit and not mentioned using the product money for clothes...oh well!