America's Got Bad TV Options

Sigh. Guess I'll have to read a book or go outside.

You can tell summer TV is upon because:
1) it's summer
2) the shows are just a tad worse/irritating/weird/desperate than normal.

On America's Got Talent (which I watched about half of while doing laundry/whatever...see, I'm rationalizing):

Brandy had some crazy hair.

All I kept thinking of when I saw her was that weird marriage she had.

Hasselhoff was a spaz.

And Piers "Simon II" tried too hard to be the smug Brit guy who thinks everything is trash.

Reeg was barely on...wonder how much he gets paid?

The show pretty much is a chance for people to look stupid, and the audience boos them.

The best was the dog act. There was a dog in a shark outfit that had me laughing until I cried.
Watch the dog act here

Ah ha! Looks like there may be an exception to the bad summer TV:
Project Runway 3 starts July 12.

Looks like I have a few more weeks to read a book. Better make it a thin one.


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