Don't They Know What Teabagging is Slang For?

Fox News is highly promoting the tea bag protest, repeatedly saying tea bag and tea bagging, which makes me wonder if they know what they're saying. Well, since it's Fox News chances are they don't.

Somehow the rich got the non-rich to protest taxes. Apparently rocket fuel or melamine in baby formula, lead in children's toys, or priests who prey on children are not enough to get the American people to protest. But tax the rich? We won't stand for it!

David Shuster of MSNBC had fun with it yesterday, saying they needed Dick Armey. And today Keith Olbermann was even more obvious about his jabs at the word teabagging.

And here's the description on Keith's page for the GOP teabagging:
While the anti-tax "tea parties" are officially toothless, conservative teabaggers are full-throated about their goals. They want to give President Obama a strong tongue-lashing and lick government spending; spending they did not oppose when they were under Presidents Bush and Reagan.

Let me quote one of the best Sex and the City lines. Charlotte was frustrated that her husband was setting tea bags, actual tea bags, on the table.

Charlotte: I have a tea bag situation
Samantha: I understand. Breath through your nose

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