Defensive Much?

Today on The View, when discussing the shooting at the Holocaust Museum, Elizabeth Hasselbutt brought up someone gunning down a recruiter for the military because of what that military was doing to muslims.

I have no idea when that happened, but it is so typical of Hasselbutt. If you bring up anything about a repub, she won't answer and will throw a Bill Clinton back at ya. And always with a furrowed brown.

Deflecting like a good Republican soldier.

But why is she being defensive? Because the alleged killer had his rantings posted on right wing site Free Republic? They have since taken it down.

Shame on you Hasselbutt for not sticking to the topic, and trying to get your republican agenda out there.

And to be catty- girl, your tan lotion is way uneven. Can't you go without being super tan?

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